Active Customer Campaigns

The Active Customer Campaigns function is located in the Customers section. To access the campaign function:

  1. Click the Customers tab.

  2. Click Customer Campaigns in the left navigation.

  3. Click the campaign name to view an active campaign or click the New button to create a new campaign.  

Customer Campaign Form

The query form allows you to select customers for the campaign based on information from their customer record. It is important to enter as much information as possible on the form so you can find the most targeted audience possible.

The form is divided in to six categories of information:

To search based on any of the fields in these categories, select the check box and enter search criteria for the field.

Additional Information

Extrapolated Mileage


The standard extrapolated mileage is determined by a customer's mileage based on a standard mileage set by the dealer given the locality. If no standard is set by the dealer, the national average of 1000 miles/month is used to determine expected customer mileage on a given date.


Expected mileage of customer based on the last two contacts with customer and the mileage at those times. The system determines a daily/monthly average based on what mileage occurred between the two contact dates and uses that average to calculate future expected mileage.

Query Selection Criteria


Records will be selected if the field being searched contains an exact match to the search characters entered.

Is Not

Records will be selected if the field being searched does not match the search criteria entered.


Records will be selected if the field being searched contains the search characters entered in the same sequence anywhere within the field.


Records will be selected if the field being searched contains no data.

Not Empty

Any record containing information in the field being searched will be returned.

Begins with

Records will be selected if the field being searched begins with the search criteria.

Ends with

 Records will be selected if the field being searched ends with the search criteria.


Records will be selected if the date field being searched is after the search date.


Records will be selected if the date field being searched is before the entered search date.


Records will be selected if the date field being searched matches the search date.


Records will be selected if the field being searched numerically matches the search criteria.

Not equal to

Records will be selected if the field being searched is not numerically equal to the search criteria.

Greater than

Records will be selected if the field being searched has a value greater than the search criteria.

Less than

Records will be selected if the field being searched has a value less than the search criteria.

Edit Output

Edit Output displays a screen of all data fields, which can be displayed for each customer satisfying the search query criteria. To select fields for display on the search results page:

  1. Click the corresponding check box.

  2. Next to the field name, enter the order in which each field selected should appear.

For example, if Day Phone is to appear in column one and Last Name in column two on the search results screen, then a 1 would be entered beside Day Phone and a 2 beside Last Name.

  1. Click Finish when all fields have been selected and ordered to return to the query screen.


Click Edit to edit and save the campaign.


Click Delete to permanently delete the Customer Campaign.

Revised: August 2010