Prospect Search

When you are looking for a particular prospect, use the Search feature to locate the Prospect Detail record.  You can use the Quick Search to find a prospect based on name, email address or phone, or you can use the Advanced Search to find a prospect based on a variety of criteria.

The following links provide more information about searching for prospects in the Web Control system.

Quick Search

Advanced Prospect Search

Advanced Prospect Search Filters

Quick Search

The Quick Search feature is available from all pages in Web Control, and is found in the top right corner of the screen.  From the Quick Search, you can search using the following options:

  • Last Name, First Name which searches for exact last names and first names that begin with the letters entered (ex: Smith, Jo might show results like Smith, Jo or Smith John or Smith, Joseph)

  • Email Address which searches for the exact email address entered

  • Phone Number which searches for the exact phone number entered

  • Advanced Prospect Search which displays the Advanced Search screen for you to enter your search criteria

  • Advanced Customer Search which displays the Advanced Customer screen for you to enter your search criteria


To perform a Quick Search:

  1. Click the arrow in the Quick Search field to display the search options or use the default search option, last name, first name.

  2. Type your search criteria in the field, and either press Enter or click the magnifying glass ().

  3. Review the results.  Click Details to display the Prospect Details record, or click Edit to modify the Prospect Details record.  If none of the results match and you want to add a new prospect, click Add Prospect.

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Advanced Prospect Search

The Advanced Search page gives more options to help you find a prospect.  Depending on your Web Control account, the page may contain up to five sections:

General Information

Vehicle Information

Residency Information


Choose Dealership

General Information

The General Information section includes options about the prospect contact information, source and sales cycle.  Additionally, there are fields that search based on when the prospect was created and sold.

The When initiated field allows you to search by the date the prospect's record was created.

The When bought field allows you to search by the date the vehicle was sold to the prospect.

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Vehicle Information

The Vehicle Information section allows you to search based on the Make and Model of vehicle the prospect wants.  It also allows you to search date ranges and specific stock numbers.  

The Year From and Year Until fields allow you to search for prospects using a date range for their vehicle makes.

The Stock Number field allows you to search if you know all or part of the Stock Number of a vehicle that is attached to a Prospect Detail record.


Residency Information

The Residency Information allows you to search by address and phone number information.


The Salesperson field is in its own section on the Advanced Search page.  It allows you to search by one, many or all salespersons.  If you have access to multiple dealerships, you can search by salespersons from any of your dealerships.

Choose Dealership

The Choose Dealership section allows you to search one or multiple dealerships at the same time.  It appears if you have access to multiple dealerships from your Web Control account.  If you do not have access to multiple dealerships, then you do not see the Dealership field.

To perform an Advanced Prospect Search:

  1. Click Advanced Prospect Search from the Quick Search list.

  2. In the Advanced Search form, enter the information you want to use for your search.

  3. Specify the number of days you want to search.  The default is All, which means the system will search all prospects in the specified dealership.

  4. Specify the number of results you want to see per page.  The default is 10.

  5. Click Search.

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Advanced Prospect Search Filters

Many of the fields on the Advanced Prospect Search page include filters that you can use to help create a more targeted search.  Select one of the filters and then select or type your search criteria in the corresponding field.  Filters vary based on the field.




Use contains when you want to find results that include the text specified anywhere within the field.  For example, if your search is "Last Name contains st", then the system would find prospects with last names like Best, Cranston, Everest, Finster, Staley, and Stanton.

Begins with

Use begins with when you want to find results that have the text you specify at the beginning of the result.  For example, if your search is "Last name begins with st", then the system would find prospects with last names like Staley, Stanton, Stevens and Stuart.

Ends with

Use ends with when you want to find results that have the text you specify at the end of the result.  For example, if your search is "Last name ends with st", then the system would find prospects with last names like Best, Colquist, Everest and Frost.


Use is when you want to find results that match the text you specify exactly.  For example, if your search is "First Name is Donna", then the system would find prospects with the first name Donna.

Is not

Use is not when you want to find results that include everything but the text you specify.  For example, if your search is "Area Code is not 614", then the system would find prospects who do not have a 614 area code in their phone number.


Use before when you want to find results that occur before the text entered, based on alphabetical order .  For example, if your search is "Last Name before Ci" then the system would find prospects with last names that begin with the letters A - Ch.  


Use after when you want to find results that occur after the text entered, based on alphabetical order.  For example, if your search is "Last Name after T" then the system would find prospects with last names that begin with the letters U - Z.

Greater Than

Use greater than when you want to find results after the year entered.  For example, if your search is "Year greater than 2006", then the system would find prospects that have a vehicle on their record that is year 2007 or later.

Smaller Than

Use smaller than when you want to find results before the year entered.  For example, if your search is "Year smaller than 2006", then the system would find prospects that have a vehicle on their record that is year 2005 or earlier.

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Revised: October 2009